Prizm Content Connect
Unattended Installation

The Windows installer can be installed unattended, however certain properties must be set:





Required, service account user name. This defines what user the Prizm service should run as. should be in format DOMAIN\USER.  For example\PrizmUser



Required parameter, service account password. This should be the password for the above parameter’s user.



Base installation directory for the product.



Whether to configure the samples with IIS or not. Set to 1 for yes, and 0 for no.



Whether to re-register ASP.NET v4 with IIS or not. Set to 1 for yes, and 0 for no.


  1. The executable msiexec.exe can be used to launch the installer and specify these parameters in a quiet mode. For example:
    Copy Code
    > msiexec /i PrizmContentConnect.msi /quiet /l*vx install.log\PrizmUser SERVICE_PASSWORD=pccpassword
  2. You may wish to run this with the start command to wait for completion, otherwise the install will start in the background and on a console or script, it will return immediately.
    Copy Code
    > start /wait msiexec /i PrizmContentConnect.msi /quiet /l*vx install.log\PrizmUser SERVICE_PASSWORD=pccpassword
  3. After which the PLU can be used to retrieve a license, for example:
    Copy Code
    > C:\Prizm\jre6\jre6-windows-x86-32\bin\java.exe -jar C:\Prizm\plu\plu.jar deploy get C:\path\to\License_Config.txt "License Solution Name"

    For more details on command line parameters to the licensing utility, refer to the Prizm License Utility section Command Line Mode.

  4. Next the service needs to be restarted.       
    Copy Code
    > net stop prizm
    > net start prizm
  5. After which Prizm Content Connect will have been installed, licensed, and started.
When installing from the command line on Windows, the use of 8.3 notation to specify the install directory is not supported. While this may result in an error free install, some services may not start as expected.



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